Pauline McCullagh is the head of RASSO at the CPS in the Yorkshire & Humberside region.

On the CPS’ own website they state the following:

The CPS shares the deep public concern that while the number of RASSO reports to the police have increased in recent years, the number of cases going to court has fallen. Working with partners across the criminal justice system and with victims’ groups to understand why this is happening, and finding the best way forward, is urgent and necessary.

So, from reading the above you would believe that McCullagh would welcome input from victims, particularly ones failed by the very system she oversees. Well you would be wrong, because the above is just lip service to satisfy the majority of the public that McCullagh is doing her job properly.

Now if conviction rates were high say 70% and above you could accept that McCullagh ignores victims voices and thinks well I’m doing a pretty good job as it is and I don’t feel I need any input or things need to change. But this is not the case percentage rate for convictions and prosecutions for rape is a national scandal. If you watch the Panarama report:

They claim that the rate for rape is an incredulous 1% and state their source is the CPS

Dame Vera Baird claimed the CPS took the decision to prosecute fewer rape cases to increase their conviction rate!!!!

“ In the last 5yrs the CPS took a decision to prosecute fewer rape cases in order to increase their conviction rate, What seems to happen now is prosecutors try to second guess whether a jury would like this case has she had a drink? Was she flirting? How long after the event did she report?  Anything like that means a conviction is less likely.  So jurors aren’t getting the chance to decide for themselves.  So we now prosecute about a third of the people we did.  If the CPS doesn’t change their approach.  The police can’t get past them.”      Dame Vera Baird Victims Commissioner

So the CPS fiddling the figures to make themselves look better is a far cry from what they protray on their website:

If Baird is correct this is fraudulant and these are the very people we are trusting to fight for our rights and secure justice for the most vulnerable people, frightning thought.

After a CSA case collasped after numerous mistakes by the police and the cps I asked for a meeting with McCullagh on behalf of the family. The family do not know the extent of the failings by the RASSO unit that McCullagh is in charge of, because she is refusing the release of all data even data that includes the victim. So when the victim made an application for a disclosure request pursuant to the General Data Protection Regulations, schedule 2, part 1, paragraph 5, it was refused. Not by the Civil Disclosure team who you would believe would be the decision makers on disclosure, but by yes, you’ve guessed it it was denied by McCullagh head of RASSO. Why is the head of a rape and serious sexual offences unit making decisions about disclosure? With such low conviction rates she does not appear to be an expert of rape investigations never mind disclosure law. Allowing McCullagh to decide whether and data is disclosed is unfair as she is basically protecting her failings and blocking anyone from uncovering the truth.

I and the victim have asked her for meetings on numerous occasions most recently on the 26th May 2021, she has refused all requests. What has she to hide? You would believe she would want to discuss why another case failed and why another victim was let down and life devastated on her watch.

HM Crown Prosecution Service Inspectorate thematic review of the CPS Rape and Serious Sexual Offences Unit

The CPS have known since this report came out in 2016 over 6 years ago that they were inadequate yet it appears nothing has changed!

The policy and legal guidance for RASSO casework is sound and when correctly
applied should deliver quality casework. Compliance with that guidance, however, was
not at the level to be expected, with cases not always being handled by a specialist
prosecutor, or even by a specialist unit. The level of care for victims and witnesses fell well
short of what is expected

The report also found:

‘This report found that the CPS is insufficiently resourcing its RASSO units, is not following its own victim policies in a third of cases, and that the different operating models developed for the RASSO units in each CPS Area mean there is a lack of consistency of approach to cases and limited compliance with the minimum standards.

There are a number of recommendations for improvement, including that CPS Headquarters provides detailed guidance of the recommended national model to be deployed locally, including clear expectations for service delivery, and that all RASSO lawyers undergo refresher training.